Good Samaritans at work
In this gloomy scenario of COVID-19 virus spreading at an alarming rate from North to South of the country, even though it has slowed a bit in recent weeks, a couple of Swayamsevaks have been doing yeoman’s service for humanity. They have been doing the rescue act for those who are in distress. They have also given dignity to the dead.
In Bengaluru recently, these COVID warriors – Somesh Pattanakodi, Manjunatha Makkalageri, Ganesh Bhosle, Lingaraja Nayanar, Nagaraja Bail Ganagera, Hanumanta Kademani and Gurushantayya Hiremath – saw a man Nagaraj Sajjan lying naked. Nagaraj was in a critical condition as he was starved and dehydrated. After tending and clothing him, these men rushed him to a hospital in an ambulance. They also made sure that he got first aid, glucose and saline apart from a test to diagnose whether he had COVID-19 or not. They even took him to a psychiatric hospital in Dharwad and admitted him there. They informed his family of his condition and also followed up by visiting the hospital every day. This team prefers anonymity rather than getting celebrity status in broadsheets.