Police have registered a case under the new anti-conversion law of Uttar Pradesh. Usman has been arrested, while his brother Nadeem is on the run.
In yet another case of Love Jihad in UP’s Muzaffarnagar, the police have arrested one Usman. His brother Nadeem is still on the run.
The police took action on the complaint from one Amandeep Kaur.
Usman, who befriended Amandeep Kaur two years back, recorded some intimate videos of Kaur and started blackmailing her.
On May 19 this year, he gave her a new identity of Jannet Qurashi D/O Iqbal Qureshi and married her. Usman also borrowed a lot of money from her.
On June 21, Usman married another Muslim girl. When Amandeep questioned it, he started threatening her. He also threatened to make her intimate videos public on the internet.
Nadeem, Usman’s brother, is on the run.
Yogi Adityanath Government of Uttar Pradesh had enacted an anti-conversion law that mandates the prior sanction from the District magistrate for any inter-religious marriage.
Usman and Nadeem have been booked under the various sections of the new anti-conversion law.
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