Kerala police chief Loknath Behra has made some very shocking comments regarding the expanding network of terrorism in the state. In an interview with a local news channel, the police chief said that the Islamic State was recruiting potential terrorists from Kerala. Also, he didn’t deny the presence of sleeper cells in the state.
Behra said that even the educated people were being trapped by terrorists. He also pointed out that the current situation is alarming in Kerala.
The police chief’s comments come at a time when there are incidents of arms-training camps reported from various parts of the state. There are also severe criticisms about Kerala police not being vigilant about the ongoing terrorist activities in the state.
PFI arms training in Kerala: Reports suggest Govt officials’ involvement
The incident of finding materials used to make explosives including gelatine sticks, detonators, and wires from the Padam forest area in Kerala has taken an unexpected turn. Now, reports suggest the forest officials aiding the Islamist Popular Front of India (PFI) to carry out arms training in the dense forest.
According to the most recent findings of the investigation agencies, several of the forestry department’s high-level officials are involved in this issue. The appointments were made for the post of ‘forest fire watchers in all the forest areas, except for the Padam area.
There have been multiple incidents of arms training by Islamic fundamentalist organizations in various parts of Kerala. Therefore, investigative agencies are seriously looking into the Padam arms training camp.
The appointment was delayed until February 16. The date is significant since the PFI’s “Unity march” happened on February 17. Hence, there is ample reason to believe that the delay in those appointments was to aid PFI.