Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal during his visit to Ahmedabad on Monday that AAP will contest on all the 182 seats of Gujarat Vidhan Sabha elections, which are due in the next year. Kejriwal while addressing the press conference ahead of the inauguration of the AAP's Gujarat head office in the Navrangpura area of Ahmedabad, alleged that both the ruling BJP and the opposition party were in cahoots and added further that AAP was a credible alternative to the BJP and Congress in Gujarat. Gujarat Congress has reacted to Kejriwal's remark by alleging that it's AAP which is the 'B' team of BJP and not the other way around.
Isudan Gadhvi, the prominent media personality of Gujarat was inducted in AAP by Kejriwal. Gadhvi, who had resigned his job as the news anchor from the Gujarati news channel VTV last month, was termed as Kejriwal of Gujarat by the AAP chief. The election of Gujarat Vidhan Sabha will be organized in December 2022. AAP debuted in Gujarat from the local government body elections organized in and won 27 seats in the 120-member Surat Municipal Corporation.