There has been a huge debate in Kerala about the government-owned Ayurveda medicine enterprise Oushadhi selling ‘Panchagavya Ghrutham’ made of cow dung and cow urine to boost memory power and concentration, following Organiser Exclusive. While the Communists were ridiculing the medicinal value of cows, the state government ruled by them was making a profit by selling products made of cow dung and cow urine. But now, all the information including Panchagavya Ghrutham’s ingredients and usage has been removed from the Oushadhi website. The product is also not available on Oushadhi’s e-shopping website.
Following the Organiser exclusive, Campaign Against Pseudo-Science Using Law and Ethics (CAPSULE), a wing of the Left-leaning Kerala Sasthra Sahitya Parishad, has lodged a complaint with the State Drugs Controller and the Deputy Drugs Controller in charge of Ayurveda. They complained that the details about the product on the Oushadhi website could mislead the people.
Meanwhile, the left-aligned regional newspapers and channels, including the Hindu and Asianet News channels, lent support to the government arguing that Panchagavya Ghrutham has medicinal value. They are also showcasing the historicity of Ayurveda. The Left-leaning media outlets were always at the forefront of making a mockery of any individual who had spoken in public about the medicinal value of Cow products including Cow dung and cow urine.
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