Uttar Pradesh Police Starts Search for Rohingyas in All Districts of the State, ADG Calls Them Internal Security Threat

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Based on the information obtained from the interrogation of Rohingyas arrested last Monday from Ghaziabad, the Uttar Pradesh Police has started the search for Rohingyas in all the 75 districts of the state.


A major Rohingya racket was busted last Monday in Ghaziabad. Two Rohingyas, including mastermind Noor Alam, were arrested.


Police got the information how a ring of Rohingyas is active in all the districts of the state and helping the other Rohingyas in obtaining identity papers like ration card, Aadhaar, driving licence, bank account, SIM card etc.


Prashant Kumar, ADG (Law & Order) Uttar Pradesh, directed all the district police chiefs to search for the hiding Rohingyas and their local enablers and contacts.


The main problem for the security agencies is the protection Rohingyas are receiving from the local Muslims.


They get employment in the slaughterhouses and live like any other local Muslim. They have identity documents too which make it difficult to identify them.

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