On May 3, 2021, the Samkalp family lost its Chief Patron and leading light, Shri Jagmohan (93), former Governor, Jammu & Kashmir. Shri Jagmohan had been associated with Samkalp since 1995 and had been blessing us with his presence in every major function of Samkalp till ill-health prevented him from being an active participant. He always followed the ideal values of Honesty, Morality, Patriotism, Indian Culture and Selfless service in his personal life. Shri Jagmohan was an administrator par excellence and was known for his innovative reforms wherever he served. As Vice-Chairman, Delhi Development Authority in the 1970s, unlike many bureaucrats who misused the powers of emergency for harassing the public, he utilised the same powers to beautify the city of Delhi and for resettling millions of slum dwellers in several planned colonies which now house a substantial percentage of Delhi’s population. During his two tenures as the Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, he transformed the much-maligned state into a tourist destination. He ensured development, security and, above all, self-respect to the Kashmiri people. He was a saviour to the Kashmiri Pandits and earned high praise for the manner in which he handled militancy in the state. His contributions to the Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine are no less than legendary. Shri Jagmohan’s larger than life image as a doer and achiever helped him reap rich rewards in his political career too. He represented the New Delhi constituency in the Lok Sabha and served the city as well as the nation with distinction as the Union Minister of Urban Development in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee-led government. Jagmohan ji led a perfect example of purity and honesty towards wealth and property in personal life. Despite being the Lieutenant Governor twice and Minister of Urban Development in the Central Government, he neither acquired any property for himself in Delhi nor accumulated bank balance.
Shri Jagmohan established specific ideals by his methods of contesting elections. He would neither accept donations from any affluent person to contest Election, nor meet him in person or express his gratitude. Those desirous of giving donations would have clear instructions to deposit them directly into the party fund.
An eminent scholar, Shri Jagmohan led a simple, saintly life. When asked the secret of his indefatigable energy, he gave two mantras, ‘Keep a little hunger always on’ and ‘Never count the years of your life’. These, in a nutshell, epitomise his philosophy of life which will continue to guide the members of the Samkalp family in their efforts to serve the country.
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