One news from Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh went viral. It was about the death of one young Anubhav Sharma on Monday.
The report claimed Sharma died of Covid-19 and no one from the Hindu community and Sharma’s family came forward to claim the body and perform the last rites.
So, one Md. Yunus collected the body and performed the last rites.
NDTV’s Ravish Kumar shared the news on social media platforms. The news went viral like a wildfire.
Newsclick’s Kashif Kakvi and independent journalist Abhishar Sharma lent support in spreading the news.
Swrajya’s journalist Swati Goel Sharma chased Anubhav’s family in Muzaffarnagar. The truth was revealed which was completely different.
Sharad Sharma, Anubhav’s brother, said his brother had not died of Covid-19 and his last rites were performed by the family.
Anubhav had some neuro problems for about a month. When the last rites were performed, Md. Yunus was there.
Hindi newspaper Amar Ujala clicked the picture and circulated the false news.
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