In a major development on Monday, the Bombay High Court ordered a CBI inquiry into recently shunted Mumbai Police Commissioner Parambir Singh’s allegation of corruption against Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh.
The court has asked for the first preliminary report within 15 days.
It also noted the allegations against the Home Minister were serious in nature.
In a letter to Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, former Mumbai Police Commissioner Parambir Singh had alleged that Home Minister Deshmukh had set a target of INR 100 crore of extortion money from commercial establishments in Mumbai.
Anil Deshmukh is Maharashtra Home Minister from the NCP’s quota in the coalition government of Shiv Sena, NCP and Congress.
In a very shocking move two weeks back, NCP head Sharad Pawar had defended Deshmukh. And so did the Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray.
Deshmukh had threatened Parambir Singh with defamation cases.
The case started unfolding since the arrest of Mumbai Police official Sachin Waze in the businessman Mansukh Hiren murder case.
Mansukh Hiren was the businessman whose vehicle laden with gelatin sticks was found outside the businessman Mukesh Ambani’s house.