The Jharkhand police have arrested three people for sharing a photograph of Muslim children performing ‘Namaz’ in the middle of the road; The photograph went viral on social media last week.
The incident took place in Hazaribagh, Jharkhand. As the Muslim children blocked the road for performing namaz, there was a traffic jam on both sides of the road. BJP MLA Manish Jaiswal, Hazaribagh, had demanded strict actions from the district administration in the case.
Manish Jaiswal said that people with a cheap mentality were behind this incident. They used children and put them at risk by provoking them to offer namaz on the road, he said. He further added that as soon as he came to know about the incident, he asked for action from the district administration.
On Saturday, March 13, a ‘peace committee’ meeting led by DSP Rajiv Kumar took place where he said that the offering of namaz on the road by children caused inconvenience. Following this, the image went viral on social media with various comments ‘which could spoil communal harmony’ he claimed. He asked for strict action against those involved in this.
Ibrahimi mosque’s Mohammad Feroz claimed that the children offered namaz on the road because of ‘their innocence’ and no adult was involved. He claimed that the children would be given community punishment not to repeat the same in future.
Superintendent of Police Kartik S said that the police had arrested three miscreants for posting the photograph on social media platforms. He noted that it was an attempt to spoil the communal harmony in the region deliberately. He further added, “people should avoid spreading any kind of rumour on social media. Everyone should be aware of such elements who try to spoil communal harmony.” He said the police would take strict action against anyone who spread such rumours.
The netizens have criticised this unnecessary road blockage and demanded strict action against those who provoked the minors.