Legal Rights Observatory (LRO) has accused evangelical organisation ‘Jatiyo Kristiyo Prochar Samity’ of FCRA violation and indulging in the conversion business. LRO tweeted, “#FCRAViolation Jatiyo Kristiyo Prochar Samity- JKPS got Rs 42.31 Cr runs shelter homes, donor Association of Baptists for World Evangelism ABWE- an evangelical missions which supports 1,000+ missionaries engaged in evangelism in 70 countries. Wrote @HMOIndia for action”
On the website of Jatiyo Kristiyo Prochar Samity it is indicated that JKPS is a partnership of Christians who desire holistic transformation for the poor and marginalized and to seek justice for the oppressed.
JKPS was formed in the year 1976 in West Bengal.