In a shocking incident that has happened at a place called Kalpakancheri in the Muslim-majority Malappuram district of Kerala. A 14-year- old girl was gang-raped for months after making her addicted to the drugs. In connection with the case, the police have arrested Muhammed Aflah and Muhammed Rafeeque, who are both in their early twenties. The main accused in the case, a 30-year-old male is on the run.
It is alleged that the accused started chatting with her online and eventually started visiting her at her house, in the dead of the night. He also introduced her to drugs. The craving left the victim from a well-off family with no other option but to go with the flow.
After making sure that the girl had become an addict, the accused who was raping her by then started taking advantage of her by allowing his friends and acquaintances to rape her too. The accused would come at night, rape her and leave.
The girl ultimately gathered enough courage and explained the ordeal to a relative of hers who in turn informed the authorities at Childline.
There are serious accusations of complacency against the police authorities in the district. They had gone slow on arresting the accused which allowed most of them including the main accused to go into hiding.
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