The Crime Branch of Delhi Police arrested four more accused on Sunday in the lynching of Rinku Sharma in Mangol Puri in Delhi.
The four arrested are Faiyaz (21), Faizan (21), Deen Mohammed (40) and Dilshan (22), the Crime Branch said.
Rinku Sharma, 25, a Bajrang Dal activist, was murdered on February 10 night near his residence in Mangol Puri by his Muslim neighbours for chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’. A group of about 20 people had beaten Sharma brutally with rods and sticks before stabbing him in the back.
The media tried to project it as a case of business rivalry but soon the myth was busted. It emerged that the fight had started on August 5 last year when Prime Minister Narendra Modi performed Bhoomi Pooja in Ayodhya for a Bhavya Ram Mandir.
Videos surfaced showing the accused carrying a knife with them which was allegedly used to stab Sharma.
On the intervening night of February 10 & 11, about 20 Muslims had attacked the residence of Sharma. The lynching was captured in the CCTV camera installed in the lane of Sharma’s residence.
After multiple protests by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, the case was transferred from the police to the Crime Branch of Delhi Police on February 14.