Sardar RP Singh has requested the Home Minister to set up a commission of inquiry, arguing if not done today it might be too late to gather first-hand information
National Spokesperson of the Bharatiya Janata party Sardar RP Singh requested the Home Minister Amit Shah Monday to set up a Commission of Inquiry to look into the causes and circumstances of “mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandits”.
Singh argued his cause writing “… since those who were an eyewitness to this sordid and gory saga may not be available after a few years and hereafter it may be too late to get a firsthand eye witness account by any Commission.”
The period from 1985-90 was very volatile in the Valley when Kashmiri Pandits were systematically threatened to leave the place, leaving behind their properties and sweet memories.
Singh told Organiser, “The communal settlers incited the Kashmiri Muslims by a virulent propaganda that “Islam khatrey mein hain”. As a result Kashmiri Pandits were targeted by the Muslims.”
One of the tallest Kashmiri Pandit Tika Lal Taploo, who was a prominent lawyer in the Valley, was murdered on 14 September 1989 by JKLF terrorists just outside his house.
Singh alleged the mainstream parties of the Valley also conspired with the terrorists. He requested the home minister “to investigate the domestic forces behind this genocide and let the nation know the true face of the so-called secular mainstream political parties of Kashmir.”
Mosques were openly used to threaten the Kashmiri Pandits.
Fulfilling the long standing promise of complete integration of Jammu and Kashmir state with Bharat, the Bharatiya Janata Party-led government at the centre led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi abrogated the Article 370 and 35 A of the Constitution on August 5, 2019.
The erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir was divided into two union territories of Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh.
Role of Pakistan in the religious persecution of Kashmiri Pandits has been highlighted many times in the past. Singh asked “Is it only Pakistan responsible for this holocaust?”
He requested the government to investigate “the dubious role played by the political establishment of the time led by Dr Farooq Abdullah and his political outfit National Conference”. He alleged although Abdullah’s role has been spoken off in murmurs, it has never been documented systematically. He further alleged after setting the Valley on fire, Abdullah quietly departed to London to enjoy the luxurious life.
Singh hopes this Commission of Inquiry will expedite the cause of justice for Kashmiri Pandits.