In what could be regarded as the consolidation of a fascist rule in Maharashtra, the goons of Shiv Sena blackened BJP leader Shirish Katekar with ink in public view for speaking against Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray in Pandharpur. In a video of the attack on the BJP leader that has gone viral, Shiv Sena workers can be seen parading the BJP leader after hurling black ink on him. The Shiv Sena workers went on to hit the BJP leader with slippers as a policeman attempted to ward them off.
BJP leader Shirish Katekar was reportedly protesting against the inflated electricity bills in the state when the Shiv Sainiks hurled black ink at him and assaulted him with the entire incident caught on camera
BJP leader Ram Kadam condemned the ‘goondagiri’ of the Shiv Sena workers in front of the police in Pandharpur. He also demanded Maharashtra HM Anil Deshmukh to take action against the attackers. Ram Kadam claimed that Shiv Sena’s arrogance had led to anarchy in the state. He further alleged that neither sadhus, Armed Force personnel, or the common man was safe in Maharashtra. On February 5, BJP leader Kirit Somaya and others were arrested by the Mumbai Police for staging a protest against the MVA government after MSEDCL allegedly sent disconnection notices to 75 lakh electricity customers.