The Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman proposed the setting up of a Central University in Leh to ensure proper higher education access to the city of Ladakh. The Minister mentioned that this was part of the New Education Policy initiative.
The Minister said that this year, the government would set up a Higher Education Commission in India, an umbrella body that will constitute four bodies — standard-setting, regulation, accreditation and funding. “There are many prestigious universities that are supported by the country. For example, in Hyderabad, there are 40 such Universities and through this umbrella structure, we would be encouraging better synergy while also retaining internal autonomy,” she explained.
Currently, there are 54 Central Universities in India. Until now, the Central University of Kashmir and the Central University of Jammu were the two closest Universities to the region.
Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented her third budget this year at 11 am. Amid the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, the Finance Minister presented a paperless budget. This is the first time in India’s history that a paperless Union Budget was presented.