The Shahi Idgah Management Trust Committee in Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura has moved an application in the district court, objecting to the admission of an appeal filed against the dismissal of a civil suit seeking ownership of 13.37-acre land near the Krishna Janmabhoomi temple and the removal of the Shahi Idgah mosque.
The suit, filed by Lucknow resident Ranjana Agnihotri and five others on Thursday, claims that the mosque is exactly where Lord Krishna was born and they have sought the ownership of the entire 13.37 acre land. It also sought cancellation of a compromise decree between the governing body of the temple complex and the management trust of the mosque in 1968. In its plea, the committee stated that the appeal was non-maintainable. After hearing both the parties, the court has fixed the next hearing on January 11, district government counsel Shivram Singh said.
Krishna Janmasthan Temple was destroyed multiple times in History and the most recent was done by Mughar ruler Aurangazeb in 1670. He erected an Idgah on the place which is believed to be the Janamsthan of Lord Krishna. In 20th century, the new temple complex adjacent the disputed structure was built with the financial help from industrialists containing the Keshavdeva temple, the Garbha Griha temple at the birthplace and the Bhagavata Bhavan