India will be chairing three-key subsidiary bodies of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The panels are, Counter-Terrorism Committee (for 2022), Taliban Sanctions Committee, and Libya Sanctions committee. This was announced by the Permanent Representative of India at the United Nations Security Council, TS Tirumurti today.
India will chair the Counter-Terrorism Committee of UNSC in 2022. Shri Tirumurti said, chairing of this committee has a special resonance for India which has not only been at the forefront of fighting terrorism especially cross border terrorism but has also been one of its biggest victims. He said, Taliban Sanctions Committee has always been a high priority for India keeping in mind its strong interest and commitment to peace, security, development, and progress of Afghanistan.
Shri Tirumurti said, India will be assuming the chair of the Libya Sanctions Committee at a critical juncture when there is an international focus on Libya and on the peace process.