Senior BJP leader and Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra has said that the party will bring law to end Love Jihad in West Bengal. BJP central leadership has assigned 48 assembly seats in West Bengal to Mishra. He also said that the party will bring cow protection laws. Bengal is notorious for being a centre for cattle smuggling from Bangladesh.
While speaking further, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister said that former President of India Pranab Mukherjee has clearly written in his book that Nehru and Gandhi family are completely responsible for destroying every citizen’s dream of ‘Akhand Bharat’. He said, “Gandhi & Nehru family had left no stone unturned in dividing India by creating Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Kashmir by imposing Article 370.” Stating that the citizens of India will never forgive them for dividing India, Mishra said that as people of India are becoming aware of how Congress destroyed their dream of ‘one nation’, the party is slowly moving towards its end.” Congress has now become a sinking ship,” he added.
Assembly election in West Bengal is expected to happen in April-May 2021. The TMC had won 222 seats out of 294 seats in 2016, but in 2019 Lok Sabha elections BJP managed to emerge as a strong player by winning 18 seats out of 42 seats. TMC could win only 22 seats, while the party had secured 34 Lok Sabha seats in 2014. Many of the top-level leaders of TMC have deserted the party and have joined BJP.