Army personals at Karalpura in Kupwara helped a pregnant woman to reach a hospital to on time for the delivery even as Kashmir remained cut off from the country due to heavy snowfall. Along with a battlefield nursing assistant, the Army personnel carried the woman for almost two KMs in knee-deep snow on a cot before she could be driven to a hospital. PRO Udhampur, Ministry of Defence, shared a video on Twitter with the caption, “Heavy snow in Kashmir brings unprecedented challenges for citizens, especially in higher reaches. Watch the Soldier & Awam fighting it out together by evacuating a patient to the nearest PHC for medical treatment.”
The woman reached the hospital on time and delivered a baby boy, PTI reported. At around 11.30 pm on Tuesday, the Company Operating Base (COB) of the Indian Army at Karalpura received a distress call from one Manzoor Ahmed Sheikh who lives in Pharkian village. Sheikh informed the Army that his wife was undergoing labour pain and had to be evacuated to a hospital immediately, PTI reported.
Troops’ timely action and efforts made the delivery safe and successful. The family expressed their sincere gratitude for all the assistance the Army provided. These kind gestures would go a long way in strengthening the bond between the Army and Awaam. (With Inputs from Agencies)