Legal Rights Observatory (LRO) has accused Kerala based Highrange Development Society of FCRA violation while accepting foreign funds and indulging in widespread conversion activities. LRO tweeted “#FCRAViolation Highrange Development Society got Rs 7.31 Cr from #FCRA, it’s an arm of Diocese of Idukki; has made derogatory remarks about local tribe Muthuvans, it’s funded by anti #Kudankulam NGO #Caritas. Converted many local tribals. Wrote @HMOIndia for cancellation of rgtn.
Idukki district in Kerala has been a hotbed for evangelical activities as the district has a huge number of tribal populations. These tribals were lured into Christianity with money and rice bags. Recently, there were reports of the Pentecostal ministry in Kottayam fielding their candidates for the Kerala local body elections. This conversion business is connected to a global movement of evangelising people across the world.