In yet another explosive exclusive, the Legal Rights Observatory (LRO) has revealed that AIUDF chief and Lok Sabha MP Badaruddin Ajmal had received FCRA funds from Chinese state owned firm in 2013-14. At that point of time also there were accusations against China regarding the atrocities committed against Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang province. LRO tweeted “#Shocking Badruddin Ajmal's @BadruddinAjmal trust Markazul Maarif received #FCRA funds from #China Govt company Reem Internat
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Dec 24, 2020, 09:02 am IST
In yet another explosive exclusive, the Legal Rights Observatory (LRO) has revealed that AIUDF chief and Lok Sabha MP Badaruddin Ajmal had received FCRA funds from Chinese state owned firm in 2013-14. At that point of time also there were accusations against China regarding the atrocities committed against Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang province. LRO tweeted “#Shocking Badruddin Ajmal’s @BadruddinAjmal trust Markazul Maarif received #FCRA funds from #China Govt company Reem International HK, Ltd. Huanshi Dong Rd, Guangzhou, China, 510065 in yr 2013-14; when #Chinese Govt torturing millions of #Uyghur Muslims of #Xinjiang.”
Raising serious questions regarding the funding, LRO again tweeted “Here is #FCRA return sheets of Markazul Maarif. Point to be investigated, 1) Why Chinese Govt company donated Ajmal’s Trust? 2) Which person from trust was/ is in contact with Chinese Govt despite ever growing atrocities on Uyghur Muslims? 3) Who established 1st communication?”
On further enquiry, LRO found the address of Ajmal’s Chinese donor as Room No 410, Balyun Hotel, No 367 Huanshi Dong Road, Guangzhou, China- 510065. Ajmal is a Muslim Maulana and has been projecting himself as the messiah of Muslim intruders from Bangladesh currently residing in Assam. Earlier also his NGO was accused of receiving foreign funds in t he name of uplifting the poor and using it to fund his political activities. He is also alleged of receiving donations from Islamist organisations linked to terror outfits.
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