The newly-elected BJP corporators of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) took oath at the Bhagyalakshmi Temple next to Charminar. BJP’s Telangana unit president Bandi Sanjay Kumar administered an oath to 48 corporators. They took a pledge to stay away from corruption, serve the people and abide by the party principles. Bhagyalakshmi temple was a focal point during the GHMC election and Union HM Amit Shah had visited the temple to offer prayers.
Sanjay Kumar said, “During GHMC elections, many BJP leaders paid their visit to the Bhagyalakshmi temple and offered prayers. We promised “to the goddess) that once the GHMC elections are done, the BJP corporators who will win in the election will all pay a visit to the temple and take oath in front of goddess Bhagyalakshmi. So, today along with all the 48 corporatos and MLA Raja Singh, we have offered our prayers to the goddess.” “The misgovernance of the TRS president and Telangana CM KCR who walks holding hands of the AIMIM destroyed the city of Hyderabad. Being fed up with this TRS government, people were seeking for a change and have voted for BJP corporators in the GHMC elections,” he added.
After darshan at the temple, BJP MLA Raja Singh said “During GHMC election, HM Amit Shah paid a visit to the Bhagyalakshmi Temple and offered prayers. Telangana BJP state president Bandi Sanjay had also paid his visit. And today, all the 48 BJP corporators who won in the GHMC elections have paid their visit and have taken oath in front of Bhagyalakshmi Temple. They have taken an oath to end corruption in the city. Despite facing a lot of problem with many being attacked and few being sent to jails during the election campaign, no one has stepped back and the party won 48 corporator seats in GHMC.”
BJP had won 48 seats out of 150 in the GHMC election, while the ruling TRS’s tally fell to 55.