Guwahati: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led State government in Dispur launched a magnificent social welfare scheme named Orunodoi under which over 18 lakh families are proposed to get Rs 830 per month in their bank accounts. Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal in presence of State finance, health, education, etc minister Himanta Biswa Sarma commenced the scheme worth Rs 2800 crore which is designed to help marginalised households for purchasing essential commodities like nutritional items, medicines etc through the direct benefit transfer module.
Termed as the biggest welfare program in post-Independence Assam the flagship scheme, which was mentioned in the State budget (2020-21), is expected to strengthen the role of women in the society as the amount would be deposited in their bank accounts. It would be implemented in four districts under Bodoland territorial council once the elections are over there and the number of beneficiaries will then increase to over 22 lakh.
“Orunodoi scheme is our gift to the people of Assam in general and women in particular. The amount transferred each month will help beneficiaries to fulfill their nutritional and medical needs. It is our commitment to build a socio-economically empowered society,” said Sonowal while launching the scheme ceremonially at a function held at Amingaon in North Guwahati on December 1, 2020.
He added that based on the doctrine of Sabka Saath, Sabka Bikash and Sabka Viswas, Dispur since the time of assuming power has been working for the development of all sections in the society. Stating that without the cooperation of all people, no government program can succeed, Sonowal urged upon everyone including the media fraternity to extend cooperation and maintain close watch on its performance.
Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, in presence of Guwahati Parliamentarian Queen Oja, State minister Sanjay Kisan, legislators namely Suman Haripriya, Satyabrata Kalita, Pranab Kalita, Rakibuddin Ahmed etc, informed that under the new scheme widow, unmarried women, divorcee, dibyang would get special preferences. He added that the government has already provided free enrolment to seven lakh students, made policies for students’ insurance cover and other programs for improving the State’s academic atmosphere.
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