Ganesh Puthur
Micro-blogging site Twitter has reportedly suspended 37 handles for tending #ChurchUnsafe4Women. The trend saw around 95,000 tweets coming from 2500 Twitter handles. Twitter is accused of unilaterally acting without seeking any explanation from the individuals whose accounts were blocked. Netizens had slammed the mysterious nature of the functioning of the Church and criticised the way Church treat their Women. There are multiple reports of nuns being sexually exploited by priests.
Recently, a Malayali Bishop based in Jalandhar was arrested for being accused in a rape case. Once a nun was found dead inside a convent in Kerala. Netizens also called off the biases shown by media and the entertainment industry when it comes to responding to the sexual violence committed inside the framework of the Church. There are web series and movies made, depicting Hindu saints as sexual predators and portraying them in a bad light.
The Church was always been accused of receiving foreign funds for their conversion activities. The recent FCRA amendment was an important step in regulating the unaccounted money received by the Church. Certain Twitter users were quick to list the pending rape cases against the higher authorities of Church. Twitter, which claims to be neutral has shown its true colours by blocking Twitter users just for criticising the Church.
Banned twitter handles are: @prashasksamiti, @hinduPS, @Jaysundvasia, @sangthit_hindu, @sashakt_hindu, @shudra_hindu, @IN_CharlieHebdo, @Saaho_Sher, @balvir26singh, @PanditPawandev, @raman_jaiswal1, @ramankumar108, @riyazz30, @_Priya_Jaiswal, @deepakmth77, @SanatanBest, @The_real_pravin, @Indresht10, @Mithlesh56274424, @aayog_purush, @Being_Rao14, @kuwar456441, @RupeshS01070866, @Raomangalsingh1, @tejsingh123456, @LalanRoy91, @LalanVB, @districtofgod, @indrapalbjp, @Injugalmeena, @perfect_kesari, @pk_waghmare, @Bhaveekpatel, @akshayspeaks1, @HumoursArts, @prashantpareek7, @Hindu_Ashok1, @Pushkar80092174, @auUVZ0ewafJOg15, @manishhindu_19