China has ‘strongly opposed’ India’s recent decision to block 43 Chinese apps citing ‘national security as an excuse. Spokesperson of Chinese Embassy in India Counselor Ji Rong said, “We firmly oppose the Indian side’s repeated use of “national security” as an excuse to prohibit some Mobile apps with a Chinese background.” He also added that “China and India are the opportunities for development to each other rather than threats. Both sides should bring bilateral economic and trade relations back to the right path for mutual benefits and win-win results based on dialogue and negotiation.”
Banned apps included Alibaba Workbench, AliExpress, Alisupplies Mobile App, Alipay Cashier and Lalamove-delivery app. There were reports of the Chinese Communist Party increasing its stake in corporate companies based in China. The founder of Alibaba Jack Ma is already a member of CCP. While banning the apps government had stated that “under section 69A of the Information Technology Act Action taken based on inputs regarding these apps for engaging in activities prejudicial to India’s sovereignty, integrity, defence, security and public order.”
Following the standoffs along the Line of Actual Control, Government of India had banned Chinese apps earlier also. GOI banned 59 Chinese apps in the first digital surgical strike, followed by another ban of 118 apps including popular gaming app PUBG. India has inflicted heavy financial loss to China through the ban of these apps.