AMG India International, an evangelical agency masquerading as a charity organisation, received Rs 68.93 in foreign funding in a year, revealed Legal Rights Observatory (LRO), a legal activist group. According to the LRO, the AMG India International has received the huge amount for the eradication of leprosy, which is already contained in India and serving the poor and orphans.
The LRO said, it has already sent a letter to the Ministry of Home Affairs, seeking the cancellation of the FCRA license of the controversial evangelical agency.
The AMG India International has allegedly received Rs 667.83 Cr foreign aid over a period of 12 years, said LRO in a tweet.
“AMG too has duped its donors in the name of running #Orphanages, #ChildCare homes. It has validated findings of @NCPCR_ audit report of 8000 child care homes in the country, which gets Rs 6 lakh/kid/year n does nothing on ground for kids. Funds r siphoned by #ConversionMafia,” read a tweet.
FCRA fraud unfolds: Here’s what LRO revealed about AMG India International
Its Parent Co AMG International is an evangelical Christian missionary agency ministering to needy people in over 30 countries. Gospel-first global ministry that meets people’s deepest needs, spiritual, physical- inspiring hope, restoring lives and transforming communities.
Being #Christian Missionary, cursing India becomes mandatory for it- Government opposition n constraints to mission work in India have created a challenging environment for our ministry efforts there, so we are working to find new ways to reach people amid steady opposition.
For over 75 years, we have leveraged insights of local leaders/ churches, that know their communities best, to identify the right strategies to meet the deepest needs. Our primary methods include child and youth development, media evangelism, pastor training, church planting!
Many are brought to a personal belief and trust in Jesus Christ through evangelism carried on by AMG missionaries, national workers, church planters, schools, radio programs, and newspaper evangelism!
AMG has no confusion about Mission- Our vision is that every community in every nation on earth will be redeemed and radically transformed by the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ.To encourage, equip and develop Christ-centered national leaders to become instruments of Gospel.
Charity Navigator says about AMG- To show them Jesus as the only answer to the problems of this life and only hope for eternal life. Christian missionary activities include children’s work, newspaper, magazine evangelism, radio and television evangelism, and missionary projects.
Thus AMG earned hundreds of crores for serving poor, needy and kids, that ultimately used for religious conversions.
(Compilation of tweets)