Republic TV editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami was arrested by the Mumbai Police from his residence on Wednesday. As per reports, Arnab is arrested in a 2018 abetment to suicide case that was already closed.
Arnab accused the police of manhandling him and his family members. Arnab said, “They [Mumbai Police] have beaten me, they have assaulted me… they did not let me meet my family. They beat up my son”.
Reacting to the incident, Prakash Javadekar, Union Information and Broadcasting Minister, said: “We condemn the attack on press freedom in Maharashtra. This is not the way to treat the Press. This reminds us of the emergency days when the press was treated like this.”
Union Minister Smriti Irani tweeted, “Those in the free press who don’t stand up today in support of Arnab, you are now tactically in support of fascism. You may not like him, you may not approve of him,you may despise his very existence but if you stay silent you support suppression. Who speaks if you are next ?”
“You have beaten and assaulted Arnab Goswami. How many houses will you break, how many necks will you choke, how many will you silence?” actor Kangana Ranaut quoted by Republic TV as saying.