The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested one of the founder-members of an ISIS group, Ansar-ul-Khilafah Kerala for planning terror attacks in various part of the country. The accused Sidhik Hul Aslam is a native of Kanyakulangara in Thiruvananthapuram. The group has planned terrorist attacks in in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
The 31-year-old Jihadi was working in Saudi Arabia and was deported to India after Interpol issued a Red Corner Notice against him. He was also a member of the Telegram groups started by Ansar-ul-Khilafah Kerala. He was arrested at the New Delhi airport on October 28.
According to the charge sheet filed by NIA, Sidhik, Manseed, Shajeer Mangalassery, Swalih Muhammad, Rashid Ali, Ramshad, Mohammad Fayas, Safvan, Jassim N K, Moinudheen and Mujeeb Rahman formed the Ansar-ul-Khilafah Kerala during August-September 2016. Shajeer was later killed in Afghanistan. Six of the accused were convicted by the NIA court in November 2019. Sidhik is the eighth accused in the case