BMS should expand its work in unorganised sector and bring transformation in the sector, said RSS Sarsanghchalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat. He was addressing the workers while inaugurating the virtual National conference of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh. The conference was attended by 3000 delegates representing nearly 6000 unions and 40 sector wise federations all over India. BMS has to work for an exploitation free India. Everyone in the country should get justice, he said. For the purpose new ways of trade union works according to the changes in the time needs to be designed. He appreciated the BMS principle of harmonising the interests of nation, industry and labour. BMS should work in coordination with other friendly and committed organisations working for the development of the marginalised sections of the society. We should not deviate from our basic National ideology. We need to keep our fundamentals intact and must have faith in the Indian values.
Organisation gets strengthened by the commitment and sacrifice of workers. Create a new culture in the labour sector and work for its development. He emphasized the need to match steps with technology and be innovative enough to make maximum out of it.
The inaugural session was presided over by CK Saji Narayanan. He said India set an example of social capital during COVID time. BMS is working on its principle of “Sangharsh and Samvad” to protect workers right and achieve welfare. The session was anchored by Virjesh Upadhyay, general secretary, BMS. Sarsanghchalak felicitated veteran activists Shri Kishan Lal Pathela and Shri Amarnath Dogra.