Deepika Padukone has reportedly accepted to the WhatsApp chats with her manager Karishma Prakash during the 5-hour long interrogation by Narcotics Control Bureau on Saturday, September 26.
Deepika and Karishma were confronted with their chats from October 2017, where she is heard asking for ‘maal’ and ‘hash’ from ‘K.’
Whats App Conversation dated October 28, 2017:
At 10:03 AM, (+91-992——-) Deepika writes: K…Maal you have?
At 10:05 AM, (+91-961——-) ‘K’ writes: I have but at home. I am at Bandra…
At 10:05, K writes: I can ask Amit if you want
At 10:07, Deepika writes: Yes!! Pllleeeeasssee
At 10:08, K writes: Amit has. He’s carrying it
At 10:12, Deepika writes: Hash na?
At 10:12, Deepika writes: Not weed
At 10:14, K writes: What time are you coming to Koko
At 10:15, Deepika writes: 1130/12ish
At 10:15, Deepika writes: Till what time is Shal there?
K writes: I think she said 11:30 because she needs to at the other place at 12
In the interrogation by NCB, according to Aajtak, Deepika said that ‘doob’ in the chats was about ‘rolled cigarettes’ and not marijuana. However, she has kept silence on many more questions. Deepika and Karishma were interrogated together, and both have admitted to their 2017 WhatsApp chats.
According to reports, the NCB officials are not satisfied with Deepika’s replies. Deepika and Karishma are being grilled by NCB officer KPS Malhotra and his team.
Yesterday, on September 25, Bollywood actress Rakul Preet Singh during the question by NCB told that the reference to the word ‘doob’ in her WhatsApp chats with Rhea Chakraborty meant rolled tobacco.
“In the course of our investigation in the Rhea Chakraborty matter, we came across a WhatsApp conversation between her and Rakul Preet Singh in which Rhea asked Rakul Preet whether she had ‘doob’ and Rakul Preet replied saying it was at her house,” a report in Mumbai Mirror quoted an NCB officer as saying. The officer had added that during her questioning, Rhea had allegedly said the reference to the ‘doob’ was a reference to marijuana.