The Great Illusion of Communists

Considered as one of the most idealistic principles to espouse by mankind, Communism today has become the evilest tyranny of the world, while the American Deep State and Chinese Communists have perfected the art of treachery through deceit, perfidy, hegemony to achieve world domination in collusion with the Illuminat

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Considered as one of the most idealistic principles to espouse by mankind, Communism today has become the evilest tyranny of the world, while the American Deep State and Chinese Communists have perfected the art of treachery through deceit, perfidy, hegemony to achieve world domination in collusion with the Illuminat
-Nabanil Sanyal

Karl Marx, the father of Communism, known for espousing a classless, anti-bourgeois society, ironically had lived a lavish life alleged by his father spending more than the richest in town, owing to his affluent family history of wealthy merchants and links to the famous banker family Rothschild. The connection of Karl Marx with the Rothschild dynasty through their common Barent- Cohen ancestor of Amsterdam is well known. The ancestral Pressburg connection of Marx and German poet Heinrich Heine is of additional historical interest as these two distant cousins were on friendly terms for some time. It is fascinating to note while Das Capital was being written in London, Lionel Nathan Rothschild, son of the founder of Rothschild Bank England, was the First Jewish MP from London.
Karl Marx was also close to Lion Philips and wrote Das Capital also in his house. He was a Dutch tobacco merchant and was an important financial supporter of Karl Marx. Lion married Sophie Pressburg from Nijmegen. Sophie’s sister Henriëtte was the mother of Karl Marx. Interestingly this is the same family who went on to create Philips Electronics, one of the biggest industrial giants of the world. Amusingly since 2013 however the electronics divisions were divested and now the Royal Phillips only concentrates on HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS. Monopoly and Communism is a similar concept and John Rockefeller Sr inspired from Marx created a corporation SIC which crushed out the opposition in total domination. Rockefeller Sr. went on to invest in syndicates such as Kuhn, Loeb & Co and JP Morgan, which were instrumental in the great depression of 2007-08. According to conspiracy theories and the book written by renowned American Journalist Jim Marrs, The Illuminati: The secret society that hijacked the world, the Illuminati backed by Rothschild was instrumental in asking Marx and Henrich Engel himself, the son of a wealthy industrialist, in writing the Communist manifesto which came out in 1848. They became 31st Degree Masons using, a relatively obscure group called ‘League of the Just’ which was later changed to ‘The League of Communist’ under the direction of Moritz Moses Hess known to be part of the Masonic Lodge. It is relevant to note two cheques received by Marx from Nathan Rothschild are displayed in the British Museum. Marx’s father was briefly associated with freemasonry after he converted from Judaism. It is said the Illuminaties are Lucifer-worshippers.
Michael Bakunin, a famous Socialist and Anarchist and a contemporary of Marx, always had a very strong dissonance about Communism and Marx at large. It is interesting to note Michel Bakunin’s perspective on Marx and Rothschild:
“This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralisation in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ….”
Cartism, Democracy vs Vanguard Party to CCP
Since the French Revolution, socialism was playing out an important role in shaping up Europe and Marx was actively involved in many failed socialist uprisings in Germany, Belgium, France and Britain. Chartism was one such uprising of a special democratic approach to working-class struggles which Marx participated in London. Marx, although had professed that the superstructure (democratic rule) would always be in cahoots with the substructure (capitalist economy). Ed Clark wrote in the Red Menace, “It is positively criminal when we, knowing full well the intentions of the Leninists, do nothing except make wise-cracks while they gradually learn enough to take over from the old capitalist class and re-establish class society on a new and much more terrible foundation!”
Karl Marx, although had professed that the superstructure (democratic rule) would always be in cahoots with the substructure (capitalist economy). Ed Clark wrote in the Red Menace, “It is positively criminal when we, knowing full well the intentions of the Leninists, do nothing except make wise-cracks while they gradually learn enough to take over from the old capitalist class and re-establish class society on a new and much more terrible foundation!”
From the Book Michel Bakunin, Selected Writings edited and introduced by Arthur Lehning from the chapter ‘On Marx and Marxism’ he remarked about Marx’s ideology: “Do you know what this means? Nothing more or less than a new aristocracy, that of the urban and industrial workers, to the exclusion of the millions who make up the rural proletariat and who, in the previsions of the German social democrats, will in effect become subjects of this great so-called popular state. Class, power and state, these three terms are inseparable, each of them necessarily implying the other two, and summed up in aggregate by these words: the political subjugation and economic exploitation of the masses.”
The dictatorship of the proletariat and the vanguard party (Politburo) was, in fact, neopatrimonialism, red-tapism and overcentralised leadership and has seen devastating impacts in world socio-politics through the tyranny and hegemony of Stalin and Mao. From Soviet Russia to current China, it is a glaring example of despotism at full display. Communism has been a way of usurping power from the Christian and other Imperialists and feudal lords to set up a dictatorship of the similar or more sinister power structure.
It is interesting to note again the words of Bakunin from his book written more than 150 years ago “I therefore firmly believe that inside a few years the German workers themselves, recognising the fatal consequences of a theory which can reward only the ambitions of their bourgeois leaders or else of a handful of workers trying to climb on their backs and become bourgeois dominators and exploiters in their turn, will reject it in scorn and anger and embrace the true programme of workers’ emancipation, the programme of the destruction of States, with the same enthusiasm now being shown by the workers of the great Mediterranean countries, France, Spain and Italy, as well as of Holland and Belgium.
It is pertinent to notice how Naxalism in India spread and now systematically tortures the tribals of India, repeatedly attack developmental works by government like blowing up school buildings for personal gains and existence. We also saw this happen with the breakdown of Soviet Russia, Venezuela and how China is facing a deep crisis as Xi Jinping became the Premier for life and CCP’s questionable and hegemonic aggressive posturing puts Asia and the world at large in jeopardy.
CCP as Ultraleftist, Totalitarian Dictatorship as Enslavement of Mass by CCP
Bakunin wrote about Marx-“Having lived almost exclusively for about thirty years amid German workers, refugees like himself, and with a circle of friends and more or less intelligent disciples belonging by birth or contact to the bourgeois world, Herr Karl Marx naturally came to the point of forming a school, a kind of small-scale communist Church, made up of fervent believers and scattered all over Germany.” Communism is like a cult that doesn’t tolerate a dissent against itself. It legitimises throttling of voices from opposing camps. Since Lenin to Stalin to Mao to Castro, communists have killed and massacred 100 million people around the world in the last 100 years and can be said to be the most violent faith in current times.
Vasili Mitrokhin, a senior officer in Soviet Intelligence
with Congress leader and former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi
The Soviets funded many election campaigns during the 1967 elections. At one point of time, there were almost 1,980 articles pushed and published by the KGB in India. Amounts totalling to nearly 15 million rupees were provided to various party officials, state party units
The Mitrokhin Archive is a collection of handwritten notes made secretly by KGB archivist Vasili Mitrokhin during his thirty years as a KGB archivist in the foreign intelligence service and the First Chief Directorate. When he defected to the United Kingdom in 1992, he brought the archive with him. Few excerpts from the book lead us to the sycophancy and barbarism of the Soviets and the Communist world. From the Mitrokhin Archive we get to know Nikita Khrushchev the Soviet Premier from 1958 to 1964 in June 1960, publicly denounced Mao as an Ultra-Leftist, ultra dogmatist and Left revisionist and thus laid the Communist world divided. What went on was a slugfest of curses and reprimands when the Security in charge of Mao, Cheng Kang publicly humiliated Khrushchev on his Secret speech of 1956 where he denounced Stalin and his infamous purge of opponents’ The Great terror’, thus started a campaign to destroy the image of Stalin as an infallible leader. Kang reminded him how Khrushchev eulogised Stalin earlier as ‘a very great genius, teacher, great leader of humanity’ and how they both participated in wiping out all the Trotskyist-rightist carrion from the face of the earth. Incidentally, Trotsky the commander of the Red Army of Bolshevic revolution, who wrote the Black Book of Communism, was assassinated on the instruction of Stalin by using an ice slab by soviet spies in Mexico.
The Great Leap forward is a repeat of the Russian famine after the October Revolution, and 30 million people died. The Communists never learn from mistakes and innocent peasants and people of china paid the price. The production of steel by every farmer under the directive of Mao was a catastrophic failure during this madness and mayhem. Mao in the meantime was busy with infusing vitality in his life as the famous Kang Sheng his close aid procured him, teenage girls, to sleep with. Kang paved the way for right-revisionists purge and thus came ‘The Cultural Revolution’. It was seen not as the seizure in the life of a one-party state but as a peculiarly Chinese decline into oriental barbarism where at least a million people were killed; it was still less than the Great Terror by Stalin. The Tibetan Buddhists and the Uighur Muslims were tortured to unimaginable proportions along with revisionist, and even CCP leaders like Deng Xiaoping were persecuted. This ended with the death of Mao and Deng reining the mantle in 1978. CCP admitted the Cultural Revolution was the most severe setback and they incurred the heaviest losses since the founding of the People’s Republic.
It is again interesting to revisit Bakunin from his book and find a similar parity of the Communist leadership around the world and Marx. He wrote on Marx after Bakunin’s associates were thrown out of IWA – “He is so in love with government that he even wanted to institute it in the International Working Men’s Association, and he idolises power so much that he wanted and still intends today to impose his dictatorship on ourselves. This seems to me quite sufficient to identify his personal leanings. But his socialist and political programme reflects these very faithfully. The supreme objective of all his efforts, as evinced by the basic statutes of his party in Germany, is the establishment of a great People’s State (Volksstaat)”. It is also known from Marx’s articles and letters he was scornful and delegitimised opponents with words and hate speeches now seen evident with the general Leftists around the word.
Proposal for Automation in Socialist Society
Marx, under his Alienation of Workers theory, espoused that automation, up-gradation of machinery and industrialisation was necessary for workers to be not treated as machines.
But it is interesting to note, the communists in India strangely opposed computer introduction in offices like IBM, MNC banks even in RBI Kolkata saying that will lead to job loss. A lot of industries were shut down in the pretext of job loss and union strikes. West Bengal provided 27% of the total GDP of the country before the Communists started ruling and when they were defeated in 2011, the state saw massive shirk to a meagre 3% produce of national GDP. It is alarming to note that the Ford Foundation, which funds all NGOs fighting against developmental projects, have a deep connection to the Rothschild Family. The Vedanta copper smelting plant in Chennai was forced to close down using one such Ford foundation-funded Initiative. All these big shot companies fund the Communists but never fight against them since the time of Engels. The people who were awarded by the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation- Magsaysay Awards have their ideological inclinations clear for all to analyse.
Communists Sold India
The ideological subversion tactics inspired by the Soviets were heavily influential in India since freedom struggle and continues even now in the elite institutions of the country which talk of breaking the country up in parts. The social structure and the history of the land is systematically targeted and in line with the communist ideology of complete breakdown of class and society and wants to rewrite history. In Mitrokhin Archive, it is mentioned how the propaganda of the communists of Russia were advanced by the CPI/CPIM in lieu of money and freebies in India. Ajoy Ghosh, General Secretary of CPI (1951-62) founded an import-export company to do business with the Soviet block, headed by senior party leader code named DED and the profits of the company was creamed off to the party funds.
Communism is like a cult that doesn’t tolerate a dissent against itself. It legitimises throttling of voices from opposing camps. Since Lenin to Stalin to Mao to Castro, Communists have killed and massacred 100 million people around the world in the last 100 years and can be said to be the most violent faith in current times
Within a decade the profits grew to Rs 3 million. The Soviet news agency Novosti provided further subsidies by routinely paying the CPI publishing house at a rate of 50% above its normal charges. The Soviets funded many election campaigns during the 1967 elections. At one point of time, there were almost 1,980 articles pushed and published by the KGB in India. Amounts totalling to nearly 15 million rupees were provided to various party officials, state party units. One such quantity undisclosed was received by a senior member of the party’s National Council codenamed BANKIR, and the receipts were given by General Secretary Rajeswar Rao (1964-90). Most of the funds received went to the trade unions headed by SA Dange and we know many industrial heavyweights in Bengal like Birla, Metal Box, Guest Keen Williams, Indian Standard Wagon, Braith Waite, Jessop and Company, Sulekha, Duckback, Aluminium Corporation, Usha Fan, Joy Engineering Works were forced to shut down because of labour strikes, labour disputes and lockout all across the state most of the times deliberately. Jyoti Basu the then Chief Minister of Bengal was heard saying once, a Capitalist is a class enemy, don’t expect sympathy from the government when the industrialist went to seek help for bankruptcy, facing strikes and power cuts. In 1965, there were 179 Strikes and 49 lockouts and in 1970, 678 strikes happened and the communist trade unions executed 128 lockouts. In 1977 AICTU received 10,000 Swiss Francs and US$ 43,750. Sanjay Gandhi once famously said about the CPI “I don’t think you would find a richer or more corrupt people anywhere”. The lecherous communists even supported China in 1962 war on India and professed their love for the then chairman Mao.
Corruption in China and CCP
In the quest for propaganda and the machoism, the CCP has indulged in widespread corruption across the world. Ludicrous amounts of money have been spent on buying out media and academic institutions. Technology theft is a big part of China and its strategy of advancement. Money for Psyops has been poured in social media for creating a narrative of larger than life Chinese Administration. During the scrutiny, it found that China was financing Rajiv Gandhi Foundation led by Congress Chairperson Sonia Gandhi to the tune of US$ 2 Million from 2004-2006 and from 2006-2013 US$ 9 Million. Years of careful free-market tendencies have been suddenly throttled, and big companies which had state investments are being bought out by unknown sources allegedly from the Politburo. The Leaders of CPC own maximum State government companies and they own Investment banks like China Development Bank. Such allegations and apprehensions were aired by Guo Wengui, a Chinese billionaire in exile in America. The CPEC and BRO are shams to cover its expansionist zeal. It is alleged the Hong Kong share market is made by a CCP member and they each day glitch the software to earn billions of dollars alleged Elmer Yuen, a businessman from Hong Kong, in an interview with Simone Gao. Alibaba owner Jack Ma had to leave his share of his company and he transferred the ownership to 5 unknown persons. An opaque state, it suppresses dissent unprecedented in the world. People in China are scared to talk against the government. The mishandling and deliberate cover-up of COVID-19 in cahoots with WHO has seriously raised questions about the rotten state of the Communist party of China. China is sponsoring riots in America to disrupt democracy with impunity. Businessmen, artists and dissidents are killed and kidnapped ruthlessly. The list goes on and on and its time this MONSTER is annihilated from the face of EARTH. Elmar Yuen, the businessman from China, requested the world to declare the Communist Party of China a criminal organisation and ban them from using similar laws like the Rico Act in the US.
To end the article, the intimate association of this farce called Communism with Illuminati, and the morally corrupt parasitic finance capitals around the world, I leave you this:
Despite Marx’s explanation of how parasitic finance capital was in its manifestation as “usury capital,” he believed that its role as an economic organiser would pave the way for a socialist organisation of the economic surplus.
Despite Marx’s explanation of how parasitic finance capital was in its manifestation as “usury capital,” he believed that its role as an economic organiser would pave the way for a socialist organisation of the economic surplus
In 1996, Prof Carroll Quigley wrote a book called Tragedy and Hope. A professor of history rang the alarm bell long ago which we haven’t yet woken up to. An excerpt from his book, “For the last two and one-half centuries, wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today. The chief architects of this new World Empire are planning another war—World War III—to eliminate any vestiges of political, economic or religious freedom from the face of the earth. They will then completely control the earth and its natural resources. The people will be completely enslaved just as the people were in the ancient Roman Empire. While the above may sound like fiction, I can assure you that it is true. I wish it was fiction, but it is not, it is reality.”
All the evidence put here hints at a relevant question, “Was Communism used and funded by the world empire to make sure no one could interfere with their monopolistic control of the world?”
(The writer is a filmmaker and social activist)


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