Sudarshan TV, whose yet to be aired program on ‘UPSC Jihad’ is in the eye of the storm, has submitted to the Supreme Court that Zakat Foundation of India (ZFI) which coached Muslim UPSC aspirants, has received funds from various terror-linked organizations, reports Bar & Bench.
The Supreme Court is presently hearing a petition by Advocate Firoz Iqbal Khan seeking a stay on the broadcast of Sudarshan TV’s program on infiltration in the civil services by hardline Muslims titled ‘UPSC Jihad’. The petition seeks stay on the program claiming that it would disturb the communal fabric of the country and that it was biased against Muslims. Sudarshan TV’s program has been targeted by former civil servants who have also petitioned the SC to stop the telecast of the program as it amounts to “hate speech.”
However, Sudarshan TV maintains that its show concerns a matter of grave public interest and national security. In its submission to the Supreme Court, the channel has said that several contributors to ZFI are linked to organizations that fund Islamic terrorist groups. These funds received by the Zakat Foundation are in turn used to support Muslim aspirants for IAS, IPS or UPSC, writes Sudarshan TV.
In its submission, the Channel claims that ZFI recieved donation from Madina Trust UK. Dr.Zahid Ali Parvez, a Trustee of the Madina Trust is also a trustee with the Islamic Foundation. The Times, UK had reported that two Islamic Foundation trustees were on the UN sanctions list of people associated with Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
Sudarshan TV’s research shows that ZFI has also recieved donations from Muslim Aid (UK). Sudarshan TV’s affidavit says as per Mr.Sam Westrop, Director of Middle East Forum’s Islamist Watch, Muslim Aid, UK has repeatedly been found involved with a number of terror networks.
Sudarshan TV’s owner and anchor Suresh Chavhanke has further claimed that Syed Zafar Mahmood of ZFI is closely associated with both Mohammed Jafer Hussain Qureshi and Zakir Naik. He has also claimed that Zakat Foundation India has recieved donations from Zakat Foundation of USA. Affidavit says Zakat Foundation USA’s executive director is Khalil Demir. Khalil Demir has signed the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 990 forms for Benevolence International Foundation (BIF) which US Treasury(U.S. Government) found guilty in the year 2002 for funding Al-Qaeda.
The channel has also alleged that a former Director of Zakir Naik’s Islamic Research Foundation (International) at UK is presently the Director of the Zakat Foundation of India (International) at UK. Zakir Naik’s Islamic Research Foundation has been banned under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.
Sudarshan TV’s submission to the SC that terrorism is a global menace and there are several international organizations that provide monetary support to extremists. The channel says that its intent and endeavour in airing the program on ‘UPSC Jiahd’ are to expose anti-national activities and the manner in which some persons are being recruited in All India Civil Service under a design to induct persons with the financial support of international fundamentalists and to achieve their oblique motives in India, which may pose a serious threat to the security of India.