Fact Check division of PIB bust fake news circulated by CPM mouthpiece Desabhimani, which claimed in an article that the central government is speeding up preparations to handover Indian Railways as a whole to private hands!
“It is claimed in a media report that the central government is speeding up preparations to handover #IndianRailways as a whole to private hands. The report also mentions that there will be a mammoth cut in employee numbers with almost 3 lakh posts being annulled,” PIB Fact Check stated.
Terming the article as fake and misleading, the PIB clarified that there shouldn’t be any job loss as propagated by fake news peddlers. It also stated that the Railways will remain a public sector enterprise.
“These claims are #Misleading. Ministry of Railways, Government of India is a public sector enterprise and shall remain so. No jobs are being lost. All vacancies that have been advertised will be filled in. There are certain areas where the public-private partnership is being worked upon but management and control will still vest with Railways. Also, more and new kinds of jobs are being created with the creation of new infrastructure and technologies,” PIB said.
#PIBFactCheck #Fake #FakeNews #FactCheck