The offices of Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) in Bengaluru were raided by the Central Crime Branch (CCB) on Tuesday in connection with the Bengaluru Riots. The statement from the CCB said that the SDPI offices at DJ Halli, KG Halli and Halasuru Gate were raided. These were the areas where the riots took place.
The CCB statement said that in DJ Halli riots case where the house of Dalit MLA was burned down, three teams conducted searches at 3 SDPI offices in DJ Halli, KG Halli and Halasuru Gate. The searches were conducted after obtaining a search warrant from the Court, said the CCB.
So far the police have arrested more than 300 rioters, including many SDPI members, in connection with the riots and violence that engulfed the city on August 11. The house of Pulakeshinagar Congress Dalit MLA R Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy, DJ Halli police station, numerous houses of Hindus, police vehicles, crores of public properties were targeted by the Islamic rioters.
Muzammil Pasha, Dist Secy of SDPI, was first arrested as the kingpin behind the violence and arson in Bengaluru. Another SDPI member Ayaz, was arrested later. Other SDPI members were arrested by the police after investigation and questioning of those arrested.
Though a inflammatory social media post by the MLA’s nephew is cited as the reason for the mob violence, investigations have revealed that there was a deeper plan to throw the city into riots on the lines of Delhi anti-Hindu riots. Involvement of Islamic terrorist organisations like the PFI and other Pak-supported elements are said to have hatched a plan to burn down the city and target Hindus like the Delhi riots of February 2020. The SDPI is the political outfit of the dreaded PFI.
State Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai too had categorically said that the involvement of SDPI in the riots had come to light and that the government and police would leave no stone unturned in gathering more evidence on its role. His statement came as demands to ban SDPI and PFI in the state increased after the Bengaluru Riots.