Hours after the Bengaluru riots in which several members of Popular Front of India (PFI) sponsored Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) for perpetrating communal violence, a Karnataka Minister told media the state government is planning to ban the extremist outfit.
On being asked about the Islamist outfit’s involvement in the Bengaluru riots, Karnataka Minister KS Eshwarappa said, “SDPI is a silly organisation. We are thinking of banning it.”
He explained that in the wake of recent violence, two decisions will be taken soon – properties of those involved in the violence will be confiscated and the SDPI will be banned.
“These two matters will be discussed in the state cabinet meeting on August 20,” added KS Eshwarappa.
The police have arrested several PFI-SDPI leaders including Muzammil Pasha, Dist Secy of SDPI, in connection with the riots. Pasha has been arrested as he was the kingpin behind the violence and arson in Bengaluru. Another SDPI member Ayaz, has also been arrested, say local reports. The mob took to arson and rioting over a Facebook post which was posted by the nephew of Cong Dalit MLA in North Bengaluru.
An investigating officer told media, “These 19 people could have easily prevented the violence, but chose to abet the mob. They made repeated phone calls and forwarded messages, saying police were abusing their religion. Some of them were directly involved in the violence, while others instigated the mobs.”
According to latest reports, as many as 147 people have been arrested in connection with the riots which broke out on Tuesday night, after a group of Islamic extremists took to streets against a Facebook post shared by the nephew of Congress MLA.