Demand to confiscate properties of rioters based on UP model increased, after Bengaluru South MP Tejasvi Surya requested the Karnataka CM to confiscate and attach properties of rioters. In a letter addressed to CM Yediyurappa, Tejasvi Surya requested that the state government must confiscate and attach properties of the rioters and compensate losses to public property in same way as Yogi Adityanath’s government has done in UP.
“The arson at DJ Halli and KG Halli is a black mark on the peaceful city of Bengaluru. The rioting by Muslim mob over a Facebook post and attacking the house of a Dalit MLA, attacking a police station and destroying public property is condemnable. Such an incident was unheard of in Bengaluru and everyone responsible for the rioting and people behind it should be punished and all measures should be taken that it does not repeat”, he wrote.
“Yogi Adityanath ji’s government in UP confiscated the properties of more than 50 rioters during the 2019 riots in Lucknow and the city magistrate order that properties worth 1.55 crores belonging to these rioters be attached. In the same way, I request that the properties of the rioters who indulged in destroying public property should be confiscated in our state too”, he wrote in his letter.
The cost of the damage of the public property should be raised by the rioters just as was done in UP, he urges. Tejasvi Surya also requested the CM to probe the role of Islamic organisations SDPI and PFI in the Bengaluru riots of August 11. This is important as Bengaluru is known for its peace and harmonious society and we must protect this strength of our city at all costs, he wrote in his letter.
The role of SDPI has become apparent after Muzammil Pasha, Dist Secy of SDPI, was arrested as the kingpin behind the violence and arson in Bengaluru yesterday. Another SDPI member Ayaz, was also arrested as per reports. The mob took to arson and rioting over a Facebook post which was posted by the nephew of Cong Dalit MLA in North Bengaluru.