Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Union Minister for Jal Shakti, launched the Swachh Bharat Mission Academy today as part of the ongoing week-long behaviour change campaign ‘GandagiMukt Bharat’. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat launched SBM Academy by dialling the designated IVR toll-free number and listening to the welcome message of the SBM academy. For sustaining the behaviour change and promoting the capacity building of the key stakeholders, Swachhagrahis and other field functionaries, this IVR based free mobile online learning course on ODF Plus will be crucial in achieving goals underlined in Phase 2 of SBM(G).
Gajendra Singh Shekhawat said that the Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) had transformed rural India by manifesting into a Jan Andolan for sanitation – unlike any other the world has ever seen. This led to the historic achievement of Open Defecation Free declaration by all villages, districts and states on October 2, 2019 thus making rural India ODF. Taking forward the extraordinary success, Phase II of the SBM (G) was launched early this year, which focuses on ODF sustainability and Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM). The program will also work towards ensuring that no one is left behind and everyone uses a toilet. He added that Swachh Bharat Mission Academy, with its mobile-based technology, will significantly boost the capacity building efforts in training of Swachhagrahis as well as PRIs members, community-based organisations, NGOs, SHGs and others who are associated with phase 2 of SBM(G).
Union Minister of State for Jal Shakti, Rattan Lal Kataria congratulated SBM (G) team of central and state government officials, & countless Swachhagrahis for tireless efforts in last five years for triggering a massive behaviour change across the country in rural community members and making the programme a true Jan Andolan. He urged them to continue working with the same spirit in SBM Phase 2 as well.
Secretary, Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DDWS), Parameswaran Iyer, elaborated on the SBM Academy, its functionalities and key roles envisioned under Phase 2 of SBM(G). He said, “phone-based academy will provide this free of charge, access to on-demand, anytime, anywhere training course with high quality and standardised content over the basic mobile phone & also improve the knowledge and interpersonal communication skills to enhance the quality of interaction with the beneficiaries”.
The IVR based training course contains a 60-minute module spanning various topics under ODF-S as well as SLWM. The SBM Academy course has four chapters, each with four audio lessons and a multiple-choice quiz at the end of the episode. To be considered successful, the user must answer at least 50% of the questions correctly.
The Ministers also interacted online with few swachhagrahis, field level functionaries and state officials. They urged them to encourage people to utilise this free learning course fully.
(Source: PIB)