In a shocking case of bullying by China, its embassy spokesperson has threatened Indian portal StratNews and its Editor-in-Chief Nithin Gokhale with ‘consequences’ if they do not delete a video on Xi Jinping which they did not approve. The hooligan-like behaviour of the Chinese Embassy was revealed by Nithin Gokhale in a conversation with StratNews Associate Editor Amitabh Revi and China Specialist Jayadeva Ranade.
On August 1st, Strat News, a Indian Strategic affairs portal put out a 7-minute video comparing China’s President Xi Jinping with Adolf Hitler. The video compared the absolute power which Adolf Hitler wielded and how it resulted in a World War, to the unbridled power in the hands of Xi which has translated into the expansionist behaviour of China that threatens world peace.
The video titled ‘Xi-Tler? Xi Jinping Emulating Adolf Hitler!’ is available on StratNews YouTube channel. The video can be watched below:
On August 3rd, the Chinese Embassy Spokesperson in New Delhi Ji Rong called Nithin Gokhale and repeatedly asked him to delete the video of Xi as it portrayed him in a negative light. Nithin refused to take down the video and instead said that the embassy can issue a letter or a statement which StratNews would publish verbatim. The spokesperson after the denial went into a tirade and threatened on the phone that if the video is not deleted there will be negative consequences.
When asked for the meaning of ‘negative consequences’, the spokesperson said that he has to be ‘careful’. The Chinese embassy did not issue a statement or a letter even after a couple of days. However, the same threat was issued by the Chinese Embassy Spokesperson on a note sent via Whatsapp to Nithin Gokhale. Despite the threats, StratNews has taken a decision to not takedown the video.
Nithin Gokhale confirmed the threat on Twitter on his account and also reiterated that they have not taken down the video.
Strategic expert Jayadeva Ranade has said that China is known to curb free-speech but stooping down to the level of issuing such threats will backfire on them. He said that China makes disparaging comments on leaders of other countries but tries to stop anyone from commenting or scrutinizing its leaders.