Ram Mandir Purnarnirman Prarambh Samaroh will start with the placing of a 40-kg Shri Ram Shila. On August 3, the rituals will begin with Maha-Ganesh Pujan and Panchang Pujan. On August 4, the Navgraha puja will be performed. On August 5, first, the puja of Varun, Indra, and other Gods will be performed and then the reconstruction of the temple will formally begin.
Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Trust, in a meeting held in Ayodhya on July 18, has decided to raise the height of the temple. Originally, the temple was 128 feet high. But now its height will be 161 feet. Similarly, the number of domes has also been increased from three to five. Apart from one main dome, there will be four sub domes.
Shri Ram Temple will be built only at about one-acre land. Hence, the development of the rest 70acre land is also a big issue. The Trust is having a discussion with the state government on this issue. The Trust has decided to approach about ten crore people of the country for contribution in the temple reconstruction. The temple will be ready in about three and a half years.
Earlier, the temple was to be two-storied, but it will now be three-storied. The first floor will have the idol of Shri Ramlala, while the second floor will have Shri Ram Darbar. The details about the third floor are awaited. The change in the previous design has been done in consultation with the main architect of the temple Shri Chandrakant Sompura. The blueprint presented by Shri Sompura was approved by the Trust in its meeting. Now, the ‘Parkota’ of the temple will be developed in five acres. The total pillars to be used in the temple now will be 318. Each pillar will have idols especially carved on them.
The Hindus have eagerly waited for this momentous day for about 500 years. Though everybody wants to be a witness to it, the corona crisis has spoiled the dream. Since nobody knows when the crisis will be over, it is better not to wait and commence the reconstruction. The Hindus want to have ‘darshan’ of the Ramlala in a grand temple and it is a good beginning in that direction.