Tapan Ghosh, the founder of Hindu Samhati in West Bengal, passed away on July 12. He was tested positive for Coronavirus and admitted at a private hospital in Mukundapur in Kolkata on June 28.
“Tapan Ghosh died this evening. He was one of the most dedicated soldiers fighting for Hindu unity and sangathan in West Bengal. He gave his live to this cause, inspiring thousands through personal example. He will always be remembered and provide constant inspiration. Om Shanti,” Rajya Sabha MP Swapan Dasgupta wrote on twitter.
Tapan Ghosh, a former pracharak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in West Bengal, established Hindu Samhati in 2007.
The organisation, functioning with an aim to protect Bengali Hindus, has wider presence all over West Bengal. Hindu Samhati has also opened units in Jharkhand and Assam. Tapan Ghosh left Hindu Samhati in 2018, following some differences within the outfit.