BJP National President JP Nadda on Saturday at ‘Seva Hi Sangathan’ programme said that over 8 lakh workers distributed over 22 crore food packets amid lockdown period.
He also highlighted that 5 crores ‘Modi ration kits’ and more than 5 crore face covers were distributed.
“Over 8 lakh BJP workers distributed over 22 crore food packets, 5 crores ‘Modi ration kits’ and more than 5 crore face covers during the lockdown period. Our workers encouraged about 58 lakh people to contribute to ‘PM CARES Fund’,” said JP Nadda.
A total of 4,000 video conference sessions were held to reach out to 2.5 lakh BJP workers.
“We reached to 2.5 lakh BJP workers through 4,000 video conference sessions during the lockdown. Additionally, we reached to 70 lakh workers through 700 audio bridges during the period,” Nadda added.