The Vishwa Hindu Parishad Mumbai has appealed to the online web-series/film platform Netflix to stop contents hurting Hindu religious and cultural sentiments on its platform. Failing which the organisation has threatened to resort to largescale but peaceful demonstrations and legal action against the platform.
In its letter of appeal addressed to ‘Netflix Entertainment Services India LLP’ in Mumbai, VHP says that it OTT platform Netflix is spreading misinformation about Hindu way of worship, rituals and even have shown our glorious saints in bad light. “many a time our Deities/God are ridiculed deliberately and intentionally or due to lack of understanding of the eternal vedantic way of life called Hindu Dharma”, it says.
VHP further says that some of its film content are as good as porn and they openly target Hindu Dharma with lies and propaganda. “Attempts are being made to create humor through outrageous methods and depictions involving our Gods as well as other historic personalities, thereby purposely undermining and diminishing their image and importance in society. Our Gods are in this manner, being made an object of ridicule. In the name of creative freedom selectively only Hindu Religion is targeted”, says the letter.
The VHP letter provides a list of films and web-series on its platform which contain Hinduphobic content, along with the producer and director of the series/film. The list is below:
The VHP says that Article 25 of the Constitution of India guarantees freedom of conscience and the right to profession, practice and propagation of one’s religion, subject to public order, morality and health, as well as subject to other provisions of the Constitution in this regard. The VHP urges Netflix not to telecast, broadcast or release any serial, movie or short film or other entertainment programs depicting Hindu Gods, traditions, customs and Indian culture as a whole, in any derogatory manner.
VHP says that if the platform fails to act then it will be constrained to take strict and all possible legal actions as may be advised against such blatant violations of law/Hindu Customs, Traditions and Sentiments. “In case such programs are aired and repeated even once after the receipt of this communication, we will be forced to take to the streets for peaceful agitations demanding a ban on your Platform in addition to the legal actions”, it warns.
“Hope this communication is enough for you to understand the pain, agony and ANGER The followers of HINDU DHARMA are undergoing because of your irresponsible web series and we look forward to be ensured such pathetic movies depicting our Gods are stopped with immediate effect”, says the VHP’s letter to Netflix which also urges for it to cooperate in the matter.
Shriraj Nair, VHP Spokesperson and Joint Secretary of Konkan region tweeted that VHP has never in last nearly 6 deecades interfered in creative freedom. But “Don’t force us for PEACEFUL mass agitations asking for a ban @netflix’, he tweeted.