I am somewhat surprised that the Prime Minister should take this Panchsheel seriously, the Panchsheel, as you sir know it well, is the essential part of the Buddhist religion and if Mr Mao had any faith in the Panchsheel, he certainly would treat the Buddhist in his own country in a very different way. There is no room for Panchsheel in politics and secondly, not in the politics of communist country. The communists’ countries have no morality. Today’s morality is not tomorrow’s morality.” — Dr Babasaheb B R Ambedkar On August 26, 1954, in Rajya Sabha while criticising the foreign policy of Pandit Nehru led Government
In the Galwan Valley what happened on June 15 was a clash, but the real multi-front war has been on for a long time. As per the innate quality of the beastly but blessed animal called Dragon, we have seen another case of treachery and deception. The sacrifice of twenty brave martyrs who laid down their lives to save every inch of land should not go in vain. The armed forces, along with the political leadership, will take a call on the appropriate military response. Beyond that, we should lead the global strategy to tame the non-transperant, undemocratic and epansionist Red Dragon.
The face-off between Bharatiya and Chinese soldiers on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) is not new. As there is no mutually agreed line, allegations of incursion are usual. Till date, China worked out hard to pressurise Bharat through proxies like Pakistan, but the new and resurgent Bharat is determined to change the ground rules of engaging with others. Release of the new political map by the Union Government after the amendment to Article 370 made our territorial claims clear. In July 2014, Modi led NDA Government gave general approval for creation of Road network by Border Roads Organisation (BRO) within 100 kilometres of aerial distance from LAC ending the bureaucratic hurdles and Nehruvian philosophy of keeping the borders underdeveloped as a measure of defence. Since 2017, a massive procurement of construction equipments has ensured the completion of 4764 kilometres of Roads and six tunnels by making almost 66 critical connectivity routes available along the LAC. This naturally increased the ability of the Bharatiya Army to monitor, detect and respond to patrolling troops of the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA), leading to the irrittion of bosses in Beijing.
Under the ambtious and authoritarian leadership of Xi Jinping, China is facing multiple challenges on the domestic and foreign front. The non-transparent handling of COVID19, corrupt and manipulative party machinery, and slowing down of the economy, the anger against ruling dispensation is at its peak. Any dictatorial regime in such a scenario will divert the public attention. Not just Tibet border, but in Taiwan, Hong-Kong, South China Sea, all around China is following the same destructive path. After losing the historic case against the European Union over the market Status issue in the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the greedy and power-thirsty party will be much more manipulative and confrontationist.
Irrespective of the situation on the border, we have to prepare ourselves to face the expansionist monster.Through the authentic information, the inhuman and treacherous character of the Communist regime should be exposed to the world as happened against the Fascist and Nazi regimes during the World War II. Many would join this Dharma Yuddha in favour of Bharat. Expanding our tactical alliances’ network for the sake of regional stability and global peace, and enhancing our abilities to counter the adversary on economic, infrastructure and military front is critical in this war. As per the Chinese conception, Dragon is supposed to be mysterious and ambitious, but at the same time, it is arrogant and elusive. These traits of weaknesses will ultimately lead to the collapse of the Red Dragon. Our job is to be an instrument in this process.