With the two term limit on his Presidency removed making him President for Life, Xi JinPing has become all powerful and free to follow his expansionist regime as evident in South China Sea, Africa, and also the use of the COVID19 pandemic to increase China's footprints across the globe.
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May 17, 2020, 10:54 am IST
With the two term limit on his Presidency removed making him President for Life, Xi JinPing has become all powerful and free to follow his expansionist regime as evident in South China Sea, Africa, and also the use of the COVID19 pandemic to increase China’s footprints across the globe.
– Surendra Kumar Gupta
Dragons emerged from the chaos of the Maoist era precisely because it moved away from one man rule to the collective leadership, however, in the last decade, the rise of Xi JinPing is evident with the return of repressive autocracy and an inconclusive effort to reengineer China’s economic model. The same is witnessed by the way the Xi government is handling the Covid 19 menace in his country and helped it to spread in the whole world resulting in hatred towards China and its rulers. Since the time he took over the helm of affairs of Country in 2012, he has punished hundreds of thousands of party cadres and military officers by getting them threshed, arrested and executed.
Xi’s targets have included the erstwhile powerful former Cadres such as the Security Chief & senior leader of Communist Party of China Zhou Yong Kang. The flattery lavished on XI has already gone far beyond his predecessors. The attitude of present Chinese government with their neighbour is too confrontationist and expansionist instead needing empathy and comity with them. Even Some of the businessman of China have already transferred their wealth abroad and many are now in a row to follow suit owing to oppressive measures adopted by the Xi’s establishment.
The Covid-19 fiasco unleashed by China under Jinping has really enhanced the enmity between USA, Australia, NATO countries, Japan, South Korea, India on one side and China, North Korea on other, owing to the revelation made by World’s Intelligence agencies including CIA that the Corona Virus was allowed to be spread by China in other Countries while no efforts were made by it to contain it to its own Country only .Vedios confirm that Jinping even adopted repressive measures like imposing Martial Law in his own Country to control the Corona Virus in Wuhan, Harwin and Shulan wherein the live victims of Virus were Shot dead and thrown in furnace, sea.
Further revelations confirms that the outbreak of Covid 19 actually happened during Sept’19 in Wuhan on leakage of its virus from its Virology lab, even then, the World Military games were held there in October while from 7th October to 24th October , Wuhan’s Institute of Virology was closed because of this out break of Covid19 from there. Later on, when some of the Military personnel, reached back to their Countries, were found to have infection of this Virus . However, the Chinese Government hide this news from the whole world despite the fact that one of their Dr and another activist Zang confirmed in December itself that this is a fatal type of virus which is easily transmitted from man to man, later on both of them died but whether died of this virus or got murdered by Chinese Government, is not yet confirmed.
The War calendar up to 2050, on six fronts, has been drawn by XI’s China which includes Unification of Taiwan, Reconquest of Spratly islands(the disputed islands in South China Sea), Reconquest of Southern Tibet, Reconquest of disputed Diaoyu and Ryukyu Islands, Unification of Outer Mangolia and Taking back the lands lost to Russia.
There is a rumour that Chinese President Xi Jinping gave a phone call to WHO chairperson not to declare Covid 19 as Pandemic even when it had become epidemic in Wuhan and lot of cases of this virus surfaced in other countries too on a large scale. Irony is that not only WHO chief praised a lot the Chinese President for controlling the Covid 19 epidemic in Wuhan when he met with him on 28rd jan’20 but even did not declare it as Pandemic. WHO declared Covid19 as Pandemic only on 11th March20 when thousands of people had already died across the whole world engulfing more then 200 Countries . In regard to Covid 19 inflicted persons in China ,there is also a big difference between the figures communicated by the Chinese Government i.e. around 85000 and the leaked figures from National Institute of Defence Technology China , is 6,40000, also presence of Covid 19 was observed in 230 cities of China , not only in Wuhan, as claimed by Chinese Government.
Xi Jinping is following his expantionist policy very vigorously which is clearly evident in South China Sea that recently USA had sent its Seventh fleet to the spot to withstand the onslaught of China where interests of Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Philippines are in danger owing to their territorial disputes there with China. Even in Indian ocean, China wants to make an artificial island near Maldivs to install his Missiles against Bharat. Through the repressive methods, against the bill of people of Hongkong, China intends to pass the Extradition Bill , however, the violent protest of its residents is continuing unabated since July 2019 when about 10 lacs people took part in it.
The War calendar up to 2050, on six fronts, has been drawn by XI’s China which includes Unification of Taiwan, Reconquest of Spratly islands(the disputed islands in South China Sea), Reconquest of Southern Tibet, Reconquest of disputed Diaoyu and Ryukyu Islands, Unification of Outer Mangolia and Taking back the lands lost to Russia.
Before Xi’s era, after departure of Maoist period, Deng XiaoPing, in 1978, opened its Socialist economy to the world with far reaching market -economy reforms resulting in 10% annual growth of GDP and raising the standards of living of hundreds of millions which earned him the reputation as the Architect of modern China that became one of the fast growing economies of the world. Since the economic reforms began in China ,income inequality has increased substantially, this income inequality is actually Urban- Rural disparity which has led to the higher rural unemployment. Actually , China’s fragile social balance combined with a bubble economy makes China a very unstable Country.
Though Xi Jingping has been able to supress the voices against him in the Party and got approved the removal of the two term limit on the Presidency and effectively allowing him to remain in power for life. The constitutional changes were passed by 7th annual sitting of Parliament ,the National People’s Congress. However, the real test of XI’s control over the political system will be witnessed in 2022 at 20th Party Congress, when, according to a norm that previously held since 2002 , he would step down from his leadership of the party after two five year’s term.
(Author is a Political Analyst & Former General Manager, BHEL)
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