The total purchase value would be around Rs. 2800 crore. With this move, over 50 lakh families of about 10 lakh CAPF personnel will be using locally made products .
Apart from announcing a path-breaking stimulus package of 20 lakh crores yesterday, PM Narendra Modi in his address had also requested people to buy local products. He had urged citizens to ‘Be vocal about Local’. Keeping this in view, the Ministry of Home Affairs under HM Amit Shah has taken the first step to give boost to locally made products.
The Ministry of Home Affairs has decided that all the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) canteens will now sell only locally made products. The MHA has said that this will be applicable to all CAPF canteens across the country and will come into effect from 1st June, 2020 onward. The decision of the MHA was tweeted by HM Amit Shah.
The total purchase value would be around Rs. 2800 crore. With this move, over 50 lakh families of about 10 lakh CAPF personnel will be using locally made products which will proove to be big boost to Swadeshi products and also increase the local job opportunities immensely. Many other canteens and outlets are expected to follow the same given the call by the PM to use and promote locally made products.
The Home Minister also appealed to the people of the country and said, “You should use the products made in the country as much as possible and encourage others to do the same. This is not the time to be lagging behind, but to turn the crisis into an opportunity.” According to Shri Shah, if every Indian pledges to use products made in India (Swadeshi), the country can become self-sufficient in next five years.
Appealing to the people of the country, the Home Minister said, “Let us all strengthen the hands of Prime Minister Modi in this journey of making India self-reliant, by using indigenous products.”