A Islamic conversion racket led by the Tablighi Jamaatis has been busted by the Kolar police in Karnataka. A Hindu youth was converted to Islam as part of this racket and a case has been registered against a leader of the Tablighi group, Sayyed Usman. He is also accused to falsifying the identity and changing the addresses of three other Tablighis from Bengaluru, reports Vijayavani.
The racket came to the fore when a group of 44 Muslims who returned to Kolar after attending a Islamic convention in Surat in Gujarat were being tested for Corona virus infection. The group had returned from Surat on May 3rd when the Lockdown was eased and inter-state travel was temporarily permitted. They had stayed put in Kolar since then. The district administration had undertaken the task of testing everyone who had entered the district after lockdown was eased. It was during this testing process when the antecedents of the group of 44 was being ascertained that the conversion racket was exposed.
Among the group was one who claimed to be Sadiq but when his records were unearthed, the claim turned out to be false. When the administration further dug into his antecedents, they came to know that he was a Hindu youth named Karthik Muneendra and hailed from Tamilnadu. It is reported that Karthik was converted by the Tablighis into Islam and renamed as Sadiq and was taken along with them to the convention in Surat.
The Tablighi group has been presently quarantined in Morarji Residential School in Malur taluk in Kolar district. During investigation it was also revealed that identity and addresses of several other Muslims in the group also have been changed. Among this group of Tablighis, Muhammad Hamza, Sameer Uttar Pradesh and Sayyed Rizwan are residents of Padarayanapura in Bengaluru which was the hot-spot in the capital and also infamous for the attack on healtcare workers and corporation staff during screening. But the address of these three were changed to address of Sayyed Usman in Kolar who had brought them to the town and hid their identity. Karthik had come along with these three.
Kolar police have registered a case of conversion and falsification of identities against Sayyed Usman. Investigations are on.
On May 2nd, 11 people were arrested by Kolar police for violating rules of lockdown by assembling and offering Namaz prayers in a Masjid located on the Municipal Hospital Road in the town. According to reports, a group of Muslims had gathered at a masjid in Kolar to offer Asar Namaz even as religious congregations have been banned due to the nationwide lockdown.