Police have detained 8 accused Murshid Khan, Tipu Khan, Irshad Khan, Sona Khan, Nadeem Qureshi, Golu Khan, Arif Khan, Azhar Khan but one Mohd Irfan is still absconding in the attack on Mahadalit colony in Bihar's Warisaliganj.
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Apr 20, 2020, 01:44 pm IST
Police have detained 8 accused Murshid Khan, Tipu Khan, Irshad Khan, Sona Khan, Nadeem Qureshi, Golu Khan, Arif Khan, Azhar Khan but one Mohd Irfan is still absconding in the attack on Mahadalit colony in Bihar’s Warisaliganj.
In a news emerging from Bihar’s Warisaliganj, Muslims gathered from all sides and attacked Mahadalits in their own colony on April 18 morning. Every attackers had weapons in their hands.
According to the locals, the two sides had a fight going on for the last 20 days after which the murderous attack was carried out on April 18, 2020. It is reported that a 55-year-old Ravidas was shot dead by the main accused Mohammad Irfan. After the incident Police has been deployed in the area. The dispute is said to be mainly between Kishore Raja Ravidas and Mohammad Mahir.
6 other people including a woman of Mahadalit community have also been injured. Police have detained 8 accused Murshid Khan, Tipu Khan, Irshad Khan, Sona Khan, Nadeem Qureshi, Golu Khan, Arif Khan and Azhar Khan but Mohd Irfan is still absconding.
On April 18 morning, the family of Mohammad Mahir along with 50 more people reached Ravidas’s house and started beating him. When the Dalits opposed this, brick-and-stone started running from the Muslim side. Dalits also threw stones at those goons to drive them away, but the colony continued to be vandalized. After this, Mohammad Irfan started firing rapidly. All the people injured in the shootout were Dalits, out of which Ravidas died during treatment.
It is alleged that the fight started when the people from Mahadalit community asked the Muslims in the area not to play and follow the government guidelines to maintain social distancing during Corona Pandemic.
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