New Delhi: Amidst national lockdown following coronavirus, the Sewa Bharati started a grocery kits packing unit at Okhla Industrial Area of South Delhi. Thousands of grocery kits are prepared daily in this packing unit.
Each kit includes 10 kg flour, 2 kg rice, 2 kg pulses, 1 kg sugar, 1-liter oil, tea leaf, garam masala, turmeric, coriander powder, noodles and dried milk packets. The staff engaged in preparing these grocery kits wears PPE and follows the protocol to curb corona infection. The staff working on the floor packing tables follows the proper social distance norm and performs the work completely meeting the WHO standards.
The staff members go straight to their house after completing the work and they are forbidden to meet anyone on the way.
With this packing unit, the Sewa Bharati volunteers are working to deliver grocery kits to the homes of the needy people in different areas of Delhi. Sukeet Dhir, incharge of the unit, informed that there are groups of volunteers who are taking ration boxes from here to different areas of Delhi and the nearby areas. Till April 8, 50,000 ration boxes have been supplied from this unit to the needy people. Shri Dhir stated that the cost of one kit is Rs 1100. If any voluntary organisation, religious organisation or any person wants to donate in this cause, Sewa Bharati accepts it. Any organisation or individual can contribute from 1 box to 1000 boxes.
In this hour of crisis, these grocery kits being prepared by Sewa Bharati are running a stove in the house of millions of families and they are getting bread for two times. Sewa Bharati says that the service will continue uninterrupted on their behalf till the lockdown period is over.
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