New Delhi, 10 April (IVSK): Crores of Indians have been confined to their home due to the lock-down in the entire country due to Corona virus infection. Lakhs of lives and livelihoods have been affected due to this. It is in this situation, lakhs of Swayamsevaks of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh are engaged in providing essential commodities, food and ration to the needy.
At the same time, the RSS is also working on an important dimension which is to fill new energy among the distressed and the families confined within their homes. This important activity of revitalising the families is being done through Praivar Prabodhan and promotion of Regional Languages.
Bharatiya society is struggling with several issues like disintegration of joint family system, decline in family traditions, neglect of parents, degradation of moral values, disrespect of family dignity and lack of patriotism. Parivar Prabhodan initiative of RSS is working to address these issues all over the country in a gradual manner. Parivar Prabodhan is trying to educate the younger generation on issues like importance of joint family, significance of being patriotic, need for family values and respecting parents.
It was during the lockdown, a unique program was organized on April 5 in Delhi by Prabodhan Prabodhan. The purpose of this program was to end the apathy towards the elderly and revitalise the energy in youth affected by being confined to homes. At 11 am on April 5, 10125 members of 2150 families in Delhi chanted the Gayatri Mantra together. They also worshiped Mahavir Swami and recited the teachings of Japuji Sahib. 100 families performed havan during this period.
In this unique event, 3 lakh 13 thousand 875 Gayatri Mantras were chanted. This act of revitalising family bonds instilled positive power in the families which were under stress and frustration due to lock-down.
Convener of Delhi Pradesh Parivar Prabodhan Bhagwan Das explained that their main objective was to re-establish familial values, communicating the spirit of patriotism, serve parents and the elderly, honoring family values and customs, and spread spiritual values associated with Sanatan Dharma. During this time, the Parivar Prabhodan members who visited many such families urged all the family members to sit together atleast once a day, convey their feelings, narrate their experiences throughout the day and consume food only after expressing gratitude to god. Following this routine would end the negativity among the families and will revitalise them along with bringing in positivity in every family which is very important for the nation and society, said Bhagwan Das.
On April 11, at 8 pm, the families will recite Sri Hanuman Chalisa, teachings of Japuji Saheb and Mahavir Swami Ji. More than 1.25 lakh families of Delhi will be involved in this exercise. Information about this campaign will be shared on all social media platforms. After the event, all members of these 1.25 lakh families will pray together for the liberation of the country from corona infection.
Apart from this, the families of the volunteers of Praivar Prabodhan will interact with those families which are stressed and have been affected by the lock-down. The importance of gaining positive energy and strength during this phase will be communicated to senior members of such families and urge them to involve in Satsangs, Prayers, reciting Guruvani, Sundar Kand and Durga Stuthi. Praivar Prabodhan volunteers are also making people aware of Covid-19 and informing them about the ways to stay safe from being infected.
Promotion of Regional Languages
Apart from these activities, Praivar Prabodhan will also be involved in promoting regional language during the lock-down. As part of this initiative, patriotic literature and works instilling sense of nationalism in languages like Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati and Kannada to the respective speakers living in Delhi are being provided.
Food and essential items are also being arranged for the families which speak in their native languages of Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam and have been affected by the lockdown. Till now, 16950 food packets, ration kits to 1482 families, sanitizers to 240 families and masks have been distributed to 450 such families.
These initiatives of Parivar Prabhodhan are adding a important dimension to the work of RSS and the unique effort is ensuring that negativity that has arisen in various sections are erased and the families and in-turn the society is filled with renewed energy and positivity.